Period recovery during the summer months

Budding trees, colorful blossoms, spring showers...changing seasons and warmer weather bring many of us hope for sunnier days to come. But sometimes, it’s not that simple. For people who have difficulty with body image, warmer weather may also bring up feelings of anxiety and shame. Summer can feel like a time when our bodies are on display. As you adjust your wardrobes to summer temperatures, you may be exposing parts of your body that you may not love, or that have changed since this time last year. If you’re lucky enough to have received a COVID-19 vaccine, these feelings may be exacerbated. After a year in quarantine, and endless talk about the “quarantine 15”, it’s hard not to feel as though everyone will be comparing and judging our bodies as we reenter “normal” life. 

One of the most common struggles in period recovery is not only learning to accept our bodies as they are now, but also accept the fact that they may change, stretch, and grow with each passing season. If you’re feeling nervous about warmer weather coinciding with your changing period recovery body, know that you’re not alone.

Here are my top tips for enjoying the summer months during HA recovery…

  1. Remember your why. Perhaps you’re comparing your body this year to your body in years past, when you were deep into your disordered behaviours and spent all of your free time dieting and working out. You miss the way your body looked back then, before recovery. That’s okay, and normal. When you experience those thoughts, remember why you began this recovery journey in the first place. Your body back then was not healthy. It was begging for you to make a change, to nourish it and allow for it to rest. And you listened! Think back to the beginning of your period recovery… why did you start? Did you decide to focus on your long-term health? Were you wanting to start a family? Are you just ready to eat without worrying how many macros are in your meal? Focus on that why, and remember that you cannot reach those goals without allowing your body to change. There is so much more to you than your body. 

  2. Focus on joy. While it may feel impossible to love your body right now, or even accept it, remember that your feelings about your body do not have to ruin every summer experience. Buy yourself some summer clothes that fit your body, right now, so that you don’t have to spend hours searching through your closet for something that will work. Wear a swimsuit that feels comfortable and doesn’t draw your attention to the parts of your body that you hope to change. Plan excursions to the places that you love. Create memories with friends and family members who don’t think twice about what your body looks like. Imagine how good you’ll feel when your period finally comes back and you reach your recovery goals.

  3. Avoid comparison. This includes comparison to past versions of yourself. If you catch yourself comparing body parts, bikini sizes, or fitness routines with the people around you, ask yourself how it benefits your recovery or your mental health? What triggers those comparisons? How do they steal joy from your experiences? You deserve to head to the pool without sizing up every woman around you and comparing your body to her’s. Remember, you are so much more than your body and so is she, so let’s collectively commit to enjoying ourselves and not worrying so much about what we look like. 

  4. Find clothes that make you feel fabulous. There’s nothing worse than squeezing into old clothing that doesn’t fit your new body. It will be difficult to focus on enjoying your summer if your shorts are constantly cutting into your waist and reminding you that your body has changed. You deserve to wear clothes that make you feel confident as you are, right now. Commit to buying yourself a few new outfits that you’ll look forward to wearing. If money is tight, take a friend on a thrift-shopping adventure, you’ll be amazed at the things you can find!

  5. Focus on the positive. What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you were restricting? Can you enjoy a meal with friends, without worrying about calories? Can you watch your nephew’s baseball games on Saturday mornings because you’re no longer tied to the gym? Can you go to the beach and relax instead of feeling guilty for resting? There are so many things that period recovery gives us. Try to shift your focus away from your body and onto all of the things that this journey allows you to enjoy.

If you’re feeling stressed about summer & warmer weather, know that you don’t have to struggle alone. Join a community of like-minded women regaining their periods and kicking diet culture to the curb- apply for coaching with me here:

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